
Pastors Ken and Nancy Strong
Pastor Ken Strong was born and grew up right here in Scott City, Missouri. He and his wife Nancy have been married for 42 years on June 6th 2023. Together they are the founders of Father’s Arms Fellowship in August of 1994. This year they celebrate their 29th Anniversary with Father’s Arms Fellowship and Ken’s 39th year of ordained ministry both in August!!
Ken is a 3 time graduate of Rhema Bible Training Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma and Emmaus Road Ministry School in Euless, Texas. Ken is a natural teacher and exhorter of the word and is certainly unique in his delivery of God’s message with humor and practical application for the daily life. Besides preaching Ken administrates the various ministries of the church. Ken graduated from Rhema’s new 3rd year School of Pastoral Ministry Program in May of 2006. Kenneth E. Hagin was Ken’s mentor in early years and still to this day is PK’s
favorite bible teacher along with his other favorites such as Dr. Lester Sumrall, Norval Hayes, Marilyn Hickey, John & Joel Osteen and many others. Ken has received from many veins and flows of Christian movements beginning with Southern Baptist, Charismatic Movements, The Mennonite Church as well as his openness to any ministries who embrace the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
Nancy is from the St. Louis area and has worked along side Ken in their ministry since Ken was ordained in 1984 and is a one year graduate of Rhema Bible School. Pastor Nancy Strong graduated from SEMO University in Cape Girardeau, Missouri and completed one year at Rhema’s General Studies Program. She is a wonderful teacher of the word bringing the stories of the bible to life. She was
ordained in 1996 at Father’s Arms Fellowship. Nancy’s real love is children is our Children’s Pastor in addition to her senior assistant pastor role here at the church.

Assistant Pastor Gary Hollis
Assistant Pastor Gary Hollis has lived in Scott City most of his life and is married to the lovely Michele. Besides being a
father figure to two combined families, he is the Assistant Pastor here at the church. Ordained in 1998, Gary has
assisted and overseen in many different areas of the Church functions. Gary is employed as a licensed social worker in Cape Girardeau. His long term desire was to become a Licensed Counselor in order to help the Body of Christ on a professional level.

David and Robbie Brant
David and Robbie Brant, Elders/Teachers and Wednesday Night Bible Study Leaders! David Brant is a seasoned teacher of the word. His many years of study and involvement as Elder and leadership roles long before he came to us has certainly prepared him for his position here. Both are prayer warriors and Robbie sings a great harmony, standing with her husband as a great support! Robbie is a nurse and is a
wonderful helper with children.

Rich Blankenship
Rich Blankenship serves as Worship leader. Rich is aphenomenal musician, songwriter and worship leader. Rich is very sensitive to the Holy Spirit in his worship leading and we all love him with all our hearts. He and his beautiful wife Lisa live in Mounds, Illinois but come all the way over here to minister to us! What a blessing! He has written dozens of songs for the Lord!

Daniel and Brittney Strong
Daniel Strong serves as worship leader with his beautiful wife by his side. Daniel graduated from Rhema Bible Training Center’s School of Worship in 2008. He comes with several years of ministry experience in Tulsa as well as prior ministry here with the Worship Group Barefoot which he started at age 15! Daniel comes with a heart of serving and teamwork! He plays four instruments, writes music and sings. Brittney, his wife since the Summer of 2007 is also a wonderful musician playing the drums, keyboard and bass guitar and helps Pastor Ken with office work, doing the bulletin and being the best daughter-in-law a pastor could want.

Mary Rogers
Mary Rogers wears many hats. She serves the body of Christ here as treasurer, deaconess and helps in the area of administration until her recent retirement. Mary Rogers has been in our lives since the early 80’s. Both a friend and comrade, she worked so hard as our treasurer for 22 years 1995. She is definitely a deaconess and also is a prayer warrior. We wouldn’t trade her for a million dollars! Mary’s husband Dale should get an award for sharing her with the church the way that he does.

Jerry and Debby Friese
Jerry and Debby Friese have a heart to serve and support. They are anointed Deacons! Their supportive roles are pillars in our church. Debby heads up our hospitality ministry and she Jerry makes breakfast. Jerry is a silent support and has the gift of encouragement. Debby has spiritual giftings and callings in prayer, intercession and leadership and she operates as an Elder and altar worker in the body. She has discernment and sees visions of great blessing.

Mike and Carol Stewart
Mike and Carol Stewart just naturally serve the Lord as Deacons and have for many Years, Mike and Carol have a servant’s heart for sure! Mike is really a radio pastor praying for hundreds nightly on an amateur radio broadcast. This couple is solid as a rock and show and share the love of Jesus in a very real way to everyone they meet. Both are true prayer warriors and a great support to our ministry.

Michael and Bethany Stewart
Michael and Bethany Stewart are grounded and faithful servants. Michael, gifted as a deacon, serves and helps the church and pastor in repairs and upkeep. Michael sings and plays bass guitar and has been a pillar in the church for over 20 years! Bethany is a former missionary, ordained minister and teacher of the Word with a gift of wisdom and discernment. Together they are a great blessing to our pastors and our entire congregation.

Vicki Brant
Ms. Vicki Brant is a deaconess and serves the church ministry here with here wonderful decorating skills. She is a wonderful altar worker, prayer warrior and is sensitive to the directions of the Holy Spirit. Vicki has an expertise in flower arrangements for weddings and funerals and is great at decorating for any occasion. She also coordinates for all our fundraiser sales and is a great assistant to the pastor when he needs to get a job done, he knows who to call!! We are so blessed to have Ms. Vicki on our team!

Greg and Kim Shambo
Rev. Greg and Kim Shambo come to us with years of experience and training with the spiritual gift of teaching. Greg is an ordained baptist minister and graduated from Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Kansas City, MO. Kim is also an excellent teacher of the word with an emphasis in teaching women. Kim is back at home here in Scott City where she lived and graduated high school.

Chanel Tucker
Welcome to our new youth director Chanel (Mary Kay) Tucker. She comes to us with the zeal of God and a desire to see souls touched for the kingdom of God. Chanel is from Chicago, IL and was a part of a strong faith ministry there. She is a woman of the word! She has a heart for “getting the word into young people”. Chanel has a servant’s heart and has the gift of exhortation and encouragement.
Besides her ministry to our church Chanel is a Mary Kay representative. Thus Pastor Ken’s nick name for her Chanel “Mary Kay”. We are so blessed to have her on her team with her multi layered talents. She can cook like no body’s business and we know she will participate in helping with our Ladies Meetings, Teas and Socials!
So thankful you have joined the team at Father’s Arms Ms. Chanel Mary Kay!!