Ministries Our ministry focus is to bring people to God the Father’s Loving Arms! We do this through our following ministries:Sunday Morning Breakfasts (this blesses not only our church people but needy folk who need a good hot breakfast)Praise and worship to lighten the hearts of us all. We are often weary from the cares of this world and our music and worship is a time of lifting. We have a wonderful praise team and our pastors and worship leaders have several albums that you can pick up for any size donation. When you come to visit you will receive a free CD of your choice!Teaching of the Word is very important because knowledge is power. We endeavor to get the word of God into people, feeding them and strengthening them for the battles of life and equipping them for their ministries.Prayer is very important to us. Learning to pray and praying for each other both in our services and with connections through our Facebook prayer page.Children and Youth are a big focus on all of our hearts and FAF is committed to raising the next generation to be all that they can be in Christ. We do this through youth and children’s meetings, youth camps and other.Missions is Jesus command to us. We monthly support 10 missionary and outreaches.Benevolence is practiced by helping the needy through our 24 hour outdoor pantry and three times a week food give out. We also help the needy with specific projects as they arise and we are able.Giving is not just a command of God for the church to build God’s kingdom but it is also to help the needy and other ministries. We give our funds to local benevolence needs, ministries that take in the homeless and that support missionaries to get the gospel out around the world.